
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

D.I.Y. [ featuring puppy love ]


I've been itching for a new project to undertake but presently I'm limited to the confinement of a work desk and computer.

+download template here (makes 2)
+glue (or tape)
+ [optional] coffee (milk, nescafe and sugar to taste, add ice cubes and enjoyment to the mix. Blend it up  or enjoy it a la rocks)
+ music (may I suggest some Miles Davis )

Glue sides of two circles together to create a snug fit over straw. Next, allow your straw to "slip into something more comfortable". Enjoy.
 ::Terms & Conditions::

I believe sharing is caring. I believe design should be fun, friendly ( comedic if the occasion calls for it) and affordable. I believe everyone has an equal right to make their house their home & haven. That being said, please feel free to share but always do so giving due credit to LaTendedera and a link back to this original post. And please, do not duplicate material for sale. All rights reserved. I thank you in advance. I'm glad we're friends.


  1. That is SO adorable - thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. It was my pleasure. Thanks for visiting my blog!


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