
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Monday, June 13, 2011


This past weekend I attended a marriage conference called A Weekend to Remember with my husband. No kids + 2.5 days = Nice.

I first learned about the conference over two years ago, when the church we were attending suggested we go.  I was hesitant to attend assuming things such as these were meant for people who had "issues".

It turns out a marriage conference wasn't for couples with issues but rather, couples from all walks in life: those to prevent issues, those to rekindle their marriage and, yes, some with real issues. A conference was created for real couples.

This was the second year we attended and everytime I return from my conference  I'm inspired to return to the "root" of things. Considering that I'm a traditionist at heart, I embrace the role God has given us as a helper to our spouses. And though this kind of talking might seem archaic, my role as mother and wife  fill me with pride and joy, more so than any career can ever fulfill.

The above quote was an excerpt from Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. The quote is intended with the idea that together husband and wife are stronger as opposed to attempting to control and lead our families on our own.

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