
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Week in Review

Freebies: Puppy Love, Black Freebie Friday (Gratitude) , Pinkie Freebie Friday (Gratitude)
DIY: Puppy Love, My Nut Case Job
Favorite Things: Pom Pom Garland, Lisa Congdon prints, Waterproof your music
Quotes: Fashionable You
Fitness: What's SUP

Thank you for joining me in this love-filled week. I welcome your comments and emails. Let me know what is working, what's not working and what you want to see more of. If you know of something super juicy to be featured shoot me an email at latendedera@gmail.com.

Have a blessed Friday and weekend!


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