
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Thursday, September 22, 2011

illustration: lisa congdon


sea life blue


When I was just about to start college I told my dad I wanted to pursue art.  In a nutshell, dad said there was no career in art (please don't hate on dad) and I took his word for it. Anyhow, I didn't want to pursue anything dad wouldn't be proud of.

Fast forward ten years, I'm still living for art. I never studied art, with the exception of sneaking in a pottery course after getting married and while baking baby no.2, but I basically breath and live for it.

Growing up my parents were a tad overprotective, so liken to incarcerated folks, I took to my paper and pencil and wrote, or drew or did anything to escape onto paper.

I haven't drawn anything recently, mostly because my time is so consumed with raising and educating my little men (and quite often the big one as well), fixing the broken around the home, and squeezing in some time to exercise and all the other day-to-day runnings of a home.

But after receiving Printing by Hand, I've been so inspired to take up this interest once again.

One illustrator I really love, and I'm really behind the trend here because I know she's been seen everywhere, is Lisa Congdon

The prints are so child friendly that I wouldn't mind one of them sitting in my living room and greeting visitors in whimsical fashion. Prints no.2 and no. 3 would look awesome as a background to a sihouette in motion of my little ones.

What do you think? What illustrators do you love? Have you drawn anything lately?

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