
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Author + Illustrator: Lucy Cousins

There's something about the chilly fall months that make me want to cozy on up and explore books, however, this season I'm tempted to get cozy and explore illustrating the children's books I've written for my own children.

It's encouraging to view an artist/illustrator at work creating rather simple versions of their characters as depicted in the video of Lucy Cousins (above) illustrating her famous Maisy character.

Some months ago, at the urgence of my little ones, I got around to writing a handful of books. The little ones were delighted to read my books made especially for them, especially one I'd made for my dyslexic boy to help him view the upside to being dyslexic. I'm a total visual and I can't conceptualize the idea of delegating the wonderful task of illustrating my books to someone else. I'm a huge fan of books and I've come across some amazing picture books and I can only dream of my children's books being nestled and admired by other little ones.

Have you ever had this one simple goal you really really wanted but couldn't muster the courage to get started?

I decided to break it down. I haven't drawn in years despite fully embracing it in my teens and I lack the space necessary to create. Virginia Woolf advised women to create " a room of one's own" as an entry to begin writing. I've never read her book but the idea has never escaped me. It truly is a challenge to write, or illustrate, or design, or tackle anything with distractions, especially from the little ones.

I've never been a fan of New Year's Resolutions. I believe a goal can and should be created and tackled whenever necessary, not just some insignificant date on a calendar.

My fall goal:  Create a room of my own.

How about you, do you have any fall goals?

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