
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DIY + Chalkboard Block

Considering that I'm on day five of being home with the boys, I've got kids on the brain. And ever since I came across the Made by Joel  site,  I've been enamored with all the inticate ways we can recycle our goods to bring joy into our childrens' lives, and/or ourselves.

Whenever I visit my husband on his construction project sites, I shop around for little blocks of wood or things I view as recyclable and reloveable. There are times certain items sit around on my shelves until I find a good use for it or it gets tossed into the fire pit as I mentioned here.

 I'm always looking for creative ways to get my children to study their sight/dolce/frequently used words or fun ways to practice their writing skills. Or a neater way to keep them entertained (aka:quiet) in the car...

For this project:
+block of wood
+Black acrylic paint(or other dark paint) or thick black Marks A Lot permanent marker or chalkboard paint

This one is self-explanatory. Paint the surface with your paint or marker. Start doodling with your chalk.
Tic Tac Toe

Practicing sight words

And for the readers out there without the little ones, use it as your mini to-do block/list for the day...

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