
A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones. - Proverbs 17:22

Friday, April 15, 2011

Freebie Friday + Feeling Nautical

I usually provide freebies to decorate the home but today I'm dressing up my stationary, or otherwise plain white envelopes.

Who sends traditional mail anymore?  I do. My boys are always making little cards and dinosaur pictures or learning how to spell new words and I find these the perfect little articles to send to grandma as evidence of these milestones, and keepsakes.

If you don't have children, send a group of true friends special photos not plastered all over Facebook. Or a poem you've written.

I like putting forth some effort into making it a signature piece that at first glance your distant mail buddy (mom, dad, sibling, friend, cousin, lover) will know this message came from you.

Just knowing a package was handled by a loved one makes  it all the more special.

+envelope (fits a legal or letter; cut to fit, if necessary)
+optional: print additional copies to decorate the face of the envelope

01. Cut out desired template.
02. Fit to size. Don't cover adhesive.
03. Glue template down to interior.
04. If desired, use scraps to decorate the face of the envelope or letter.

Happy Mailing Friday!

This post was not sponsored by the USPS. ;)

 ::Terms & Conditions::

I believe sharing is caring. I believe design should be fun, friendly (comedic if the occasion calls for it) and affordable. I believe everyone has an equal right to make their house their home & haven. That being said, please feel free to share but always do so giving due credit to LaTendedera and a link back to this original post. And please, do not duplicate material for sale. All rights reserved. I thank you in advance. I'm glad we're friends.

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